23rd June 2021
Distance: 25M
Type: Road
25 mile TT is On – You are invited to enter the event below. It’s a team event but you may still enter as an individual – however, this is your chance to compete for the coveted awards on offer. What to do is form a team of three (male and female) and let the organiser know. The fastest teams on the night will take the spoils. A race – yes a real life race. After 18 months of training you can finally take part in an open, real life, rubber on tarmac, local event. The SCNEG championship time trial is on ( subject to any other disruptions).
25mile individual TT incorporating two SCNEG championship trophies
1- Massie Shield awarded to fastest three male club riders from a SCNEG club.
2- Isobel Smith ( Pedal Power) trophy awarded to fastest three female club riders from a SCNEG club.
Teams of three must be nominated before the race starts. Multiple teams from same club may enter.
Entries here: https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/events/details/241260/Massie-Shield-25-mile-TT